About Us

The aim of the Catholic Women’s League is to encourage women to enhance their spiritual lives and to be involved in the work of the church. We strive to serve the community in social, civic or moral issues.

Members are often labelled as ‘tea ladies’ because they are involved in organising refreshments such as at clergy lunches and funeral teas. Whilst these are crucial activities in the life of all parishes, they form just a small part of the work that League members are involved in.

Assisting the poor, particularly in this time of declining economic opportunity, remains a priority. Grocery hampers, food, clothing, toiletries, washing powder and the like are supplied to the poor and to the various projects we support with many worthy fund raising projects being driven by our branches.

The parish priest is assisted at all times.  Members are often ministers of the eucharist, catechists, proclaimers of the word and flower arrangers. These are just a few examples of the work which our members do. As Mother Theresa so aptly said:

We can do no great things, only small things with great love. What we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but that ocean would be less without that drop.’


The great virtue which speaks of our love of God, neighbour and self. The object of virtue is our union with God through love. It is the force by which all acts of good, directed towards ourselves or our neighbours, are performed for love of God.


This is our service to the Church, to one another and is one of our objectives. Our charity is put into practice through our various works.


This virtue expresses our attitude towards the teachings of Christ, His Church, and to the League’s objectives.  It also implies our fidelity and support to other members within our League in terms of our thoughts, words and deeds.

Objectives of the Catholic Women's League

  • unite Catholic women in their service to God, the Church, the Family and the country, under the direction of the Hierarchy
  • assist with Parish work under the guidance of the Parish Priest
  • take an active part in national and civic enterprises and to affiliate with approved bodies for this purpose
  • consolidate Catholic action amongst Catholic women in defence of Catholic principles
  • encourage the formation of a strong and enlightened Catholic opinion and the diffusion of Catholic principles
  • promote a spirit of fellowship among Catholic women
  • provide isolated Catholics with a knowledge of Catholic opinion and movements
  • while being strictly non-party political, the National and Diocesan councils shall have the power to take action in defence of the Church, the Family and the Country with the approval of competent ecclesiastical authority
  • establish, conduct and maintain sub-economic homes in respect of activities listed in the point above and to acquire funds to do so
  • to achieve the spiritual development of its’ members, both individually and collectively
  • to stimulate effort in all lines of women’s work
  • to exemplify the Christian ideal in home and family life
  • to protect the sanctity of human life
  • to enhance the role of women in Church and society
Catholic Women's League Archdiocese of Cape Town